
Monday, May 17, 2010

GTOW (Geek tip of the week)

Ok,  Last weeks tip was a little larger than normal so this week I will return to the simpler stuff.  But first - in case you think last week's tip was BS - Just to prove my point I installed Ubuntu 10.04 on several older devices.  Including a very used 4 or 5 year old Dell Inspiron 1300 laptop.  1g Ram - 1.6g Celeron M processor.  40g hard disk.  It now boots (cold) in 38 seconds and feels as snappy as a brand new Alienware or Mac Pro.  And I'm writing this post on it.

Now on to this week's tip:

This was how I received my luggage from a flight a few years ago...   Unfortunately this was after 9/11 and the craziness that insued with airline travel afterward.  I packed most of my stuff - including quite a bit of electronics in that bag to avoid problems at airport security.  Needless to say - I now have new versions of all of it.  NONE of which was paid for by the airline.

After that I started doing mostly carry-on.  Then the airlines started charging for checked bags so now everyone does carry on and there is never room in the overhead bins.  So for trips where I am going to be there longer than a small bag can hold or I need to take more gadgets than I can carry I've settled on this little trick.
Get a small - hard side equipment case to pack inside your checked luggage.  This is the one that I use:  If you watch they occasionally go on sale for as little as $10.  This last trip it protected the car cradle for my Droid, my travel router, several power and network adapters and even a souvenier coffee cup I brought back as a gift for a friend.

Posted via email from ninjahippie's (pre) posterous

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